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Erie, Pa.,
Tuesday, Feb. 14. '39.
It is getting to be like pulling teeth to keep this journal for the simple reason that I am so taken with my new hobby of cartooning that I want to put my time on that. Sat down this evening and wrote down 10 cartoon ideas, 8 of which are hobo cartoons and could continue my ingenuous hobo of the previous ones on into a series of them. Also started another tonight, two bums in a coal car watching a streamliner go by and one says, "give me [[underline]] this [[/underline]] for pure Romance."

Willie went to Book Club and I stayed here and watched the children who went to sleep at once. Bab's ankle infection flared up again and Dr. Gannon recommended a treatment. Rog is still in bed with a sort of bronchitis but not serious according to Gannon and he feels pretty snappy. When he's really ill, he acts that way.

Erie, Pa.,    
Wednesday. Feb 15. '39.
Jake back today and I dumped his jobs back in his lap. Particularly was I glad to get rid of the Brownhirst proposition which has developed into three different jobs that only Jake, who has been conferring on them while away, knows about. Maurice warned Jake to let the Industrial Dept. handle them -- said he'd caught hell for what Jake had been doing - and Jake said, "Don't worry." Two minutes before Jake had told me that Wheat had just phoned him for a quotation and he