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Erie, Pa.
Thursday. Feb. 16. 1939
Had a quiet day at the office. The U.P. locomotive has been on a stand test simulating a trip from Chicago to Los Angeles and today she went sour in the "desert" between La Junta and Caliente due to a leak in the condenser so they shut down ignominiously. They are due to go out about April 1st and then I foresee trouble ahead such as they have never had; I fear the boys who go out on that job are in for some awful punishment and discouragement. I hope I'm wrong but I can't see it any other way. The complication of the thing is terrific!

Spent the evening on my new hobo cartoon and Willie says it's the funniest one yet. Am getting a great kick out of it.

Erie, Pa.
Friday, Feb.17,1939
Got all set today for my talk in New York to the District men on the small diesel-electrics and want to do an A-1 job of it, which I feel confident I can, if I'll just be myself and refuse to tie up in a knot of nervousness. After the first 5 minutes, I feel sure I'll loosen up anyhow but I want to have it 100% okay.

Went to Frank Compton's this evening for a heavy poker session and had a very bad evening - no luck at all most of the time, and then when I had it, I had good hands that made me bet high only to be [[underlined]] just [/underlined]] topped at least 5 times. The result was that I was the big