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Erie, Pa.,
Sunday, Feb. 19. 1939.
Today was a rather unhappy one. Rog seemed pretty well this morning with a temperature of 99.2˚. Along in the afternoon it was 101˚ and in the evening it was 102˚ and he had pains in his chest and was feeling pretty terrible. Dr. Gannon was ill and couldn't come out and we hated to call Dr. McCallum naturally. I felt obliged to go to New York and yet Willie was almost wild and I hated to leave her - she pictured pneumonia and I'll admit I was worried myself. But I went - caught the 9:18 and Willie promised to wire me in the morning about Rog. So if necessary I could fly back tomorrow afternoon and be home tomorrow evening.

In the afternoon, Bab and I hunted about town for an open florist's shop to order some flowers for Ruth's funeral tomorrow. And that wasn't a very happy errand. We found one finally and took care of it.

I finished my new hobo cartoon, redrawn to replace the one ruined when the fixitif brought out the carbon lines blue.  It looks pretty good the best of the three so far, I should say.

New York, N.Y.
Monday, Feb. 20,1939.
Reported to "Zip" Zimmer about 9:00 AM. I wasn't particularly nervous about the meeting although I had nothing but a few notes in the way of preparation. We had the meeting in the Board of Directors Room in considerable style and I was told later