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yesterday in treating my nose. Now thank God it seems to be well on the road to recovery and I am going back to the office tomorrow. But since that bad session with my wisdom tooth in 1931, I have not spent a week approaching the past one for anxiety, pain, fear and downright misery. The infection was a streptococci affair and it has taken a full week to get it under control and localize it so it could be drained off. I have been to the Dr. every day and the treatments there up to a couple of days ago have been pretty tough to stand although of short duration. Through it all, I have suffered most mentally with worry as to whether I would get over the thing. At one point, it showed signs of spreading and we had to go at it harder than ever.

So in the past ten days, I have had a lot of time to reflect. And my conclusion about it all is that after all, this experience has been a blessing. For there was nothing that could have better impressed upon me the real values of life than thus suddenly facing the possibility of losing life itself. And I had come to a point where I very definitely needed to be straightened out. Now I see clearly what counts, how I should live, what I should do. I see how utterly silly most of my worries have been, how they simply disappear when one is faced with real difficulty