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and fresh beauty. I had that strange happy feeling of knowing I was feeling the real richness of life, deep and simple and stripped of artificial things that beckoned me so many times. Sometimes I wish passionately I were free economically so I could devote my time to such beauty--to drinking it in and then returning it to life someway.

Didn't go the doctor's today but am going tomorrow. My nose seems to be healing very satisfactorily now so I'm hoping I'm really out of the woods. What I've got to do now is take steps to avoid definitely this sort of thing again. I've got to devote more time to my health from now on--more outdoor exercise for one thing, less smoking, a better attitude all around toward life. And no scratching, no picking and no squeezing from now on! 

It was so good to get home to the family tonight.

Erie, Pa.,
Tuesday, May 2, 1939.
Looked out the office window this morning early. It was lovely out--clear, sunny, crisp. Out on the blue lake a steamer was plowing along under the blue morning sky. And I knew that feeling that George Santayana had that day he looked out the classroom window and then walked out, never to return again.

Went to Dr. Delaney this morning and he said I needn't come again. At first he suggested