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I do nothing in the way of precaution against future boils - said if I had another, I could take some innoculations. Then he changed his mind and gave me a prescription for some "medication" (pills) to take twice daily for a couple of weeks. And also I learned this was not streptococci but straftococci, a less dangerous type of infection - I had misunderstood him before. So I feel I'm getting out of the woods really on this at last. Made an appointment to see Merriman Thursday and get my teeth fixed up which should help.

Went up to the station this afternoon to see the Union Pacific "Paramount Special" go through. #1 unit of the steam-electric was ready to join its mate here, and they propelled the train on to Buffalo. Got a glimpse of what may have been a "movie star" as the train pulled out. Leading the procession was an old wood burner of the 60's, but the steam-electric did the work. At the end of the train were three ancient cars and in between modern Pullmans, diner, etc. The boys are having some fun and they deserve it after three years of hard work.

Hoddy called and says we are to have a conference with Republic Steel next Monday on the Cleveland locomotive proposition so I'll have my chance to swing into action, and get Dave Buttles, the Cummins Salesmanager, to defend his engine.

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