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Had a session with Bill Leggett on my newly acquired H.D. Church proposition for a 5200HP 4 engine, single cab locomotive. Church was formerly with General Motors but bucked Kettering on the design of the locomotive engine and was either ousted or quit. Now he has designed an engine of his own 1300 HP at 1400 RPM, 4 cycle, two bank, double acting, 17000 lb. that he has propositioned Busch Sulzer on already, and that Church and Leggett think has the stuff to compete with E-M on. Church has independent means, has interested HLA in his engine, and has a cherished ambition to whip G-M and Kettering before he dies. So we may get somewhere--or it may be a second Edward Gray--who knows. This man really seems to have more of what it takes than Gray, and having succeeded in impressing Andy and Bush, seems to have some possibilities. It may develop into something interesting. Church says Kettering is "the biggest wind-bag and the most overrated man in the country" according to Leggett, and my feeling in general being along the same line, I could really work up some enthusiasm for anything that he had that had any promise at all.

On the way back on the train, had dinner and being alone at a big table, a very attractive young woman and two attractive children were seated with me shortly after I started. Another woman came in and said a few things rather