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After supper, we all walked over to inspect progress on the new house. AS we passed the Cains', Betty invited us in to have some coffee with them. So we went in, had coffee and liqueur, and chatted while the children played inside with Elizabeth. Betty's very friendly and pleasant and Basil is too when in the proper mood. I rather hope we can see more of them when we move over there. Especially I'd like mother to get better acquainted with Basil's mother. That would help a lot. Also, she should meet John Downie's mother and get better acquainted with Mrs. Riedpath.
Had a woeful letter from Ed Kelly today -- down in the dumps as usual if I am to take it at all seriously. But fortunately I don't believe it's half as bad as it sounds.

Erie, Pa.
Wednesday, May 10, '39.
Jake got back from a trip to Richmond and Washington this morning, coming up from Washington with HLA who was there for the U.P. exhibition yesterday, FDR coming down to see it. Apparently Jake opened up to HLA on the small diesels or perhaps HLA opened up on Jake. At any rate Jake told us this morning that tomorrow HL must have in Erie an estimate of 1939 sales on the "line" for the whole U.S. So I promptly duplicated five telegrams to "my districts"--New York, New England, East Central, Northwest ,and Pacific. Also Jake wanted reports on all instances where