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Erie, Pa.,
Friday, May 12, 1939.
Did some preliminary work today on the 6000 volt DC study for the Russians, who apparently always want to be one or two jumps ahead of the rest of the world in everything they do. The rest of the day, batted around with miscellaneous stuff for Canadian National, Cummins Engine of New York, etc.

Erie, Pa.
Saturday, May 13, '39.
A lovely day and spent most of it outdoors cutting lawn, cleaning garage, fooling with the car, playing with the children, shopping, etc. Merriman fitted in one of my new gold inlays in a one hour session.

This evening we went to a College Women's Club dance out at Lake Shore Country Club, going with Barbara and Charlie Reed. Despite the fact we knew very few there, we had a fine time and met some new people--the Courtney Dales who are very nice. She knew Bob Walsh well and we had quite a talk about him. Bob apparently is having tough going in Texas but I believe is coming along better now. We met also the Rists; he's a dentist and the Bennetts lived in their house for a couple of months after they were married & Dr. Rist was taking post graduate work in Philadelphia. He is a big rather thuggy looking man and she very tiny with a peculiar mashed in nose (broken)