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They have built a new place in upper Glenwood -very original- and invited us up sometime - one of those indefinite invitations but made by them both. Were very pleasant and friendly and cordial.

The Kenneth Craigs were there and he gave us the low down on Newman's resignation. He says Newman felt he had failed to build up the church here and staying longer would do the church no good. So he seems to be going back to Cincinnati and go in business with his father. It is a sad affair to me although Craig says Newman doesn't seem particularly broken up about it - maybe he's glad it's over. We are in a quandry what to do next season about church.

Met some people named Pointer. He is from Missouri and is a champion hog caller. Mrs. Dale asked him to give a demonstration in the bar and to my surprise, he complied, letting out a long, strange, loud bellow that was a riot. Jake Brauns, who was at the dance, says he can hog call too and gave Pointer an echo once at a University Club dance, and Pointer never did find out who did it.

Reports are that Maybelle has something wrong with her - maybe pregnant - maybe something else, but something definitely wrong. They were not present.