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Erie, PA.
Saturday, May 20, '39
Mother didn't want to go to Flaggs so Willie and I went over there and picked out some miscellaneous furniture we want for the new house. They had it all out for us and I could see it all so vividly in my memory, where it was in the old days - pieces I hadn't seen or thought of for years. But they certainly brought back the past, and yet strangely it did not make me sad. My life now is the life I know with my own wife and children. - it seems to come first, and memories of the past like that are not disturbing. The furniture will be shipped when we advise them.

We dropped in to see Cousin Gertrude after Flaggs - found her in the midst of paper hanging. But we had a very pleasant visit. She is a good egg. And Sergei, Willie is much taken with. He wasn't there. He is a leading light in the slum clearance program at Syracuse and has been in the thick of controversy over policies but apparently has come through with flying colors after making the headlines.

We left Syracuse after lunch and had a good trip home, arriving about 10 PM, stopping for two hours at East Aurora for dinner and a very fine one too. 

Children well and no mishaps while we were gone.