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Erie Pa.
Monday, May 22, '39.

Called Roy Goggin this morning and he allowed it would be OK if I went to Boston June 1st but I gathered he wasn't keen about waiting any longer. So tried all day to get hold of "young George" Baldwin to find out when the house would be done but failed to locate him. So let decision on Boston go until tomorrow.

Had a one hour coughing spell at 5 AM and my throat tickled all day so I had to give up going to a recital that Bab played in. Mother and Willie went. Bab won a prize for a music test of some sort she took this afternoon and they announced at the recital tonight. They said she did very well with her piece too. And when she got home, she was just about the [[underlined]] prettiest [[/underlined]] thing I've ever seen. She is growing into a real beauty and we are so proud of her. She seems to be gaining fast in deportment and poise too, although still gets off on a tangent occasionally.

Roger informed Mother today of the size of her closet in the new house and she and I had a long discussion of it at bedtime that taxed my patience pretty heavily. She suggested she may want to go to Chautauqua when we move if there is no place at all to put her things. I tried to explain the circumstances to her and to assure her we would work it all out some way satisfactorily