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We had luncheon at Lincoln Inn (owned by Parker Young)and then eased our minds by driving on up to Franconia Notch where we looked over the cable tramway (aerial) not running today, saw the scenery including the profile, got off at Echo Lake and stood on a 6 ft. snow drift amidst much spring greenery and in a 70[degree symbol] temperature, and then started back to Boston. And we decided too, I might as well return to Erie until Tuesday night as nothing could be accomplished on Monday alone.

We dropped in on Roy about 6:30 PM at his apartment after a nice return trip on which I drove from Franklin, N.H. to Lowell  Roy agreed on the Erie trip, and we discussed plans over a couple of potent Scotch and sodas.  They have plenty lined up for me.  June looks full right now with little time at home - just enough to move.

Neil got me to South Station just in time to catch the last train to Erie, and an upper was the best I could do at that.  Had dinner on the train and retired early - the lounge was full and I was glad to get to bed.  My cold seems about gone.

Roy Gozgin looks tired out.  He must lead a strenuous life.  He had a cold and when we got to his apartment at 6:30 PM he was sound asleep sitting in a chair before supper.  His wife Marion is an A-1 good egg.