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Erie, Pa.
Monday, May 29, '39.
Quite a bit of news at the office today. I learned that "John" Davis is the man picked for the New York job that Perk and I were being considered for. John was certainly a dark horse; I never even dreamed of him being the third party. He has been semi-shelved since the dissolution of the Air Brake Division after Charlie Ives death. And I can't help but think how things must have looked to him - dark and discouraging. And now this break! What probably seemed to him like the worst piece of luck in his whole professional career turned into probably the best piece of business luck that he ever had. It is a good lesson to me not to worry about my professional future - if I do my work well, there will be a good place for me in the G.E. Co. no matter what happens to our Dept.
There have been some orders since I left - 4 big "Moncons", and numerous mining locos. And Jay Walker was here today, first time I've seen him since last December at the Railroad Club. He looks fine - as well as I've ever seen him and seems like his old self. We had a good chat and it seemed good to see him again. Took him downtown at 5:30 and we had a couple at the City Club for old time's sake. Invited him to dinner tomorrow but he couldn't make it - promised to try to stop in however. This evening we went to see Bette Davis'

Transcription Notes:
Sorry - not good at deciphering the trade names etc KO 2. Reviewed