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Erie, Pa.
Tuesday , May 30, 1939.
Cleaned out the cellar this morning burning much papers and rubbish in the furnace and smelling up the house terribly in so doing. Then I mowed the grass - probably the last time I shall mow this lawn I've cared for for 8 years. In a way, I hate to leave the place. We shall miss the trees and flowers we have planted and watched grow. But the new place will be nice and in a year or so, we shall have the yard over there attractive too. I got a dose of poison ivy or something similar in the yard this morning as my arms broke out in a rash. Prompt treatment with Fels-Naptha soap and non-itching powder seemed to stop it however. What a nice mess that would be! And we due to leave for Boston tonight. I'll never forget Robert Raible at Shoals in 1923 with poison ivy on his face, which was swollen to the point where he was unrecognizable.

Montpelier, Vt.
Wednesday, May 31, 1939.
Had breakfast this morning with an old lady. 70+ perhaps, on the diner. She was en route alone from San Diego to her old home in Aroostock County  Maine. Travelled to Chicago on the Zephyr and was enjoying it all thoroughly. Said she usually drove.

Donovan was all ready to start for Montpelier when I arrived and after the usual coffee with Stanley