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like "the whoosee" (for anything he can't assign the proper name to), "what-have-you" (used similarly but in a broader way), "out in left field" (used vaguely frequently). I'm at a loss to get his points very often and I think others are. But I like Neil, he's a good hearted boy, friendly, good humored, excellent sense of humor, and good to be with. My only criticism is that he talks a little too much and not clearly enough quite often so it is embarrassing.

Neil decided to go back to Boston and return tomorrow afternoon, so he hopped off about 11 AM and I prepared to spend the weekend here. If I had a car here it would be perfect but without one, one is considerably handicapped. I wrote cards, home, wrote up memo on the Clarendon & Pittsford job, walked about town, read magazines, and finally hopped in the bar before dinner for a couple of ales so I could talk to the bartender, a friendly, long faced, dark Frenchy looking fellow. He warned me against being here tomorrow, saying it was the [[underlined]]deadest[[/underlined]] god-damned town on Sunday you ever saw. I half plan to go to Burlington and maybe take a boat ride on Lake Champlain.

After supper I went up to the room to read a while and later go down to the bar where on Saturday night there is supposed to be some life. I felt sleepy reading so I lay down on the bed to take a little nap before going downstairs, when I came to it was quarter of two! So I went to bed and got up at 8:15 AM Sunday with 12 hours sleep to good. I guess I needed it.

Montpelier, Vt.
Sunday, June 4, 1939.
Spent the morning working in my room writing Rog a long letter on [[?Mochasende]] Valley. Called home too and felt much better to hear Willie's voice and Bab's and find they were all well, not having heard a word since I left. Had lunch at the Tavern and then took the bus for Burlington a lovely ride down valleys between the justly famed beauty of the Green Mountains. The bartender had mentioned the possibility of the excursion boat today and sure enough there was but I just missed it. I was regretful but knew I could take the ferry ride to Fort Kent anyhow so spend an hour wandering around Burlington before time for the next