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Erie, Pa.,
Thursday, June 8, 1939.

Willie and Mother met me this morning and we drove home to find it quite torn up in preparation for moving Saturday. I spent the rest of the morning at home and went into the office after lunch. It was good to see Bab and Rog, the latter somewhat scarred up from bike crashes but all okay. The office seemed awfully dead somehow. I was glad to get away at 5 PM and get home where I spent the evening working on the morning preparations.

Erie, Pa.
Friday, June 9, '39.

Heard today, the U.P. has been in trouble with a boiler failure and a braking resistor burnout. Both in revenue service and the U.P. getting hopping mad. I fear my pessimistic predictions are going to be borne out. Too bad! And now they are talking seriously of undertaking a coal fired job for the Pennsy!

We gave the house an inspection this morning and it is not finished. The papering and electric fixtures, screens, curtain rods, etc. won't be in but we're moving tomorrow whether or no. We had a prize letter from G. Daniel Baldwin this morning about the lawn at the new house. Said he had just [[underlined]] driven [[/underlined]] by and noticed we were not taking care of the "new lawn" that he had just put in (no lawn even sowed yet); then went on with elaborate instructions on how to take care of it, urging us to do so; ended with a P.S. saying if we [[underlined]] are [[/underlined]] taking care of it, the letter doesn't apply to us. Am preserving it for posterity.

Took Mother to the Laurence this evening where she is going to stay during the moving rumpus. She is far from reconciled to the wisdom of moving and is very frank about it. At the bottom of it, is her fear of "seeing something" during moving or at the new house that will upset her. If anything, she seems to be getting more nervous and depressed than ever.

Erie, Pa.
Saturday, June 10, '39.

Moving Day at last! Originally promised for "one week before April 1st," we moved in today and they weren't finished yet! I met G. Daniel over at the new house early this morning while he was inspecting and I was sizing up the situation and he told me we shouldn't try to

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