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"move so soon" - wait a few more days. It burned me up slightly and I told him considerable including the fact I had come all the way back here from Vermont to move today on the say-so of his outfit. "G. D." finally calmed down, and when he walked out of the house and saw Rog sitting in the car, he practically beamed and wished me "all kinds of luck." The old boy is very fond of children.

It rained this morning early, so the movers came at 10:30 instead of 11 AM and at 3 PM we were moved but what a mess! The paperhanger hadn't finished the living room or front hall, the electrician hadn't got the fixtures all in, the screens were few and far between, curtain fixtures only half up, etc. We managed to get the beds set up so we could sleep tonight and that was about all. Anne worked like a Trojan and Betty Cain took pretty much care of Bab and Rog so it went off fairly well. Now the work of settling lies ahead and it will be a job! Having Anne will help immensely though and I feel sure we are going to be very happy with our new place. It can be developed into something very nice. We need it for practical, social and psychological reasons and I feel we have done the right thing.

Erie, Pa.
Sunday, June 11, 1939.

Today was a day of labor, the thousand and one jobs after moving. I tried to do all the heavy work I could straightening things out for them before leaving, and we managed to bring some order out of chaos. Got Mother from the hotel at noon and she came out and got established in her new quarters for which she has had no good word - nor for the house or any part of it for that matter. But I hope she will grow to like it better. The Colonel apparently didn't approve very heartily of our moving either - thought the other house a nice enough place. I felt guilty decamping for New England but managed to leave things in fair shape considering conditions and took the 7:50 PM for Springfield and thence to White River Jct, where I am to meet Donovan tomorrow noon. Thought once of going to Montreal and flying to Montpelier but gave the idea up as not worth it.