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the characteristics that made him a Rhoades scholar. As usual on such occasions I got to the Parker House at 2 AM. I desisted from further drinking at Reps, but the others imbibed, Roy got pretty high, arguing politics with Rep, and Marion got pretty woozy. Marie, Rep's wife, a very handsome, attractive dark eyed girl - I don't think Italian like him - was cordial and nice as ever - took me up to see her two boys asleep. She seems a brick, invited me to bring the family up to Maine to see them this summer, if we were near enough.

En route to Erie,
Friday, June 16, '39.

I didn't get to the office until 10 AM. Roy had come and gone and Neil hadn't appeared so I did some shopping, getting a pair of Nettleton Lazy Lacers for summer wear. We all had dinner (lunch) at the usual Thompon Spa near the office, and at the usual counter presided over by the rather pretty girl who models shoes in her spare time. I have never had a look at the much photographed feet and ankles - Thompson's Spa is shrewdly designed to prevent that. Roy was going to get me a date to take her to the ball game one day but  I declined. In the afternoon, Roy and I went to Waterton Arsenal and were tied up all the rest of the afternoon with the ^[[ Major]] in charge of plant maintenance and his assistant Lt. Humphreys, on a coupling and alignment job on a stationary set. We were rigidly escorted everywhere - no intruder now allowed loose in the Arsenal regardless of who he is. It is like a big manufacturing plant, employing 3000 or more & makes big guns - coast defense, anti-aircraft etc. Dinner alone, and an upper on the B&A for home.

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