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Wayne producers insisted on putting up new racks of marbles no less than [[underlined]] three [[/underlined]] times to illustrate the same theory they had already clearly expounded, a low grumble ran through the entire audience and at 6:15 PM the meeting adjourned after nearly ten hours of almost continuous going with an hour off for lunch. But all in all it was very interesting, impressive and inspired new confidence in G.E. and that was its purpose.

The evening was no less arduous than the day but was of a different nature and was a very welcome change after two days of pretty gruelling work. The girls came to the hotel - Mac's two sisters-in-law, Helen and Elizabeth; Helen Davin a close friend of Helen Schairer, and Helen Lowhouse. Helen Schairer I have described before. Elizabeth (Bitsy) is in the 30's I judge, plump, dark, not particularly pretty and looks nothing like the two sisters I know. Helen Davin is a big, friendly, pleasant, jolly schoolteacher in the 30's - a very likeable girl. Helen Lowhouse was the only one of the crowd who had real looks and when we met them in the lobby she impressed me as being a veritable knockout, having a handsome even face, beautiful white perfect teeth, wide gray beautiful eyes - perhaps more strikingly handsome than pretty. She was a big girl - not too big, but not petite by any means. She works in the Mohawk National Bank and Bitsy at Alco. in the Purchasing Dept. They are all bachelor girls and I think they got a big kick out of the evening. It was all perfectly innocent fun if rather boisterous and the fact Mac's two sisters-in-law