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And the funny thing is, I can't remember a whole lot about just what he said either. It was the way he said it, utterly earnest, plain, honest, forceful, kindly, human. He impressed me as being a man with high ethics, tremendous drive and energy, not smooth or polished (he came up from an officeboy) but with a simple, straightforward, forceful way that could overcome any obstacle and arrive. Perk thought his speech "the worst of the whole program," and he was half asleep during some of it. As for me, I hung on every word he said, and once I was so touched emotionally by the way he talked, I felt tears come into my eyes. So there you are! Who's right? He can't be in line for Swope's job unless he has considerable on the ball and I think he has it.

And so the program ended and to me it was a rather inspiring affair all in all. It made me feel new confidence in the Company, new faith in the future not only for our line but for my ownself. And it made me determined to carry on in my work as never before. There [[underlined]] is [[/underlined]] a future for me in this Company and I'm going to pursue it with more energy and determination than ever before. I [[underlined]] know [[/underlined]] I have the stuff these big men have and I [[underlined]] must [[/underlined]] develop it. One thing I realize - I [[underlined]] must [[/underlined]] overcome my diffidence and learn to talk to more people, develop friendships, continue contacts if I'm going to arrive. I passed up chances to renew good contacts with Cameron, Winne, [[Huether?]] Hancock of Boston, Runkle. I've got to work on that angle - the more friends one has and in high places the better off one is. I have what it takes and I've got to exploit it more.

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