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of the Apocalypse," sending a copy to Joe Hoffman.

This evening I wanted to hang pictures but ran into snags because Mother objected to putting the big colored etching on the mantle & slightly behind the china clock and the upshot was, I hung none but a few little ones in Mother's room and she said she just "didn't care" if I hung them or not.

Showed the Mt Washington movies tonight and I thought they were lousy - a big disappointment.  The black and white was a let down but even then, discounting that, it was junk, the worst roll I ever took - too much hurry and not enough thought, I guess.

Tuesday, June 27, '39
Got a good swing on my Montpelier report today and found I had about all the dope I need, somewhat to my surprise'  "Doc" Gillilan got back from Sch'dy, and asked, "Well, how'd you make out with your little rail hopper the other night?"  He allowed he had had a similar experience over there the next night so I felt better.

Rog's face was badly swollen today so if I had met him on the street, I shouldn't have recognized him.  He feels good in the daytime, rides his bike etc. but at night the stuff itches terribly and he is miserable all night.  He has been sleeping with Willie and she hasn't had much rest either.  The stuff that poisoned him was white ivy in a lot down across from [[Guynes?]] and trails out onto the sidewalk!

Maurice left for New York tonight and will get into the New Haven freight proposition when he

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