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We brought some more of Mother's rugs back from Syracuse and I spent a long time this evening trying to remember where a couple of the small ones came from originally. She recognized them all right but she couldn't remember where they came from - whether Father's office or where - and it just about had her wild and me too. I think they came from the office but I couldn't swear to it after all these years. Mother is very peculiar about these things and it is almost impossible to pacify or comfort her. I wish I could but I make a poor job of it.

Erie, Pa.,
Thursday, June 29, '39.
Put in a solid day on reports, getting the Montpelier job to Marjorie to have typed up. Wrote a long letter to Neil Donovan on the Brown Co. to keep the pot boiling up there and then began on Clarenden & Pittsford for which I have no sanguine hopes at all. 

Willie decided this evening the new lawn should be weeded and we started what appears to be a very arduous job since there are about 1,000,000 weeds at a conservative figure! Barbara & Charlie and Chickie appeared in the midst of the weeding and we showed them the house. While they seemed to think is it 100%, I felt it looked pretty spotty - what a lot of work to be done yet!

I undertook to sleep with Rog tonight but at 1:30 AM, he woke up itching and made a bee line for Willie in his room, and she had to take over, so we swapped beds. After all, "Mommy" is the only one who can seem to really soothe him when he's in distress.

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