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poor taste in inquiring - and so bluntly too. Tom acts to me like he hasn't been brought up right.

Before we left for Rockland late in the afternoon, Ernie said to me, "When you're on your way, tell Neil the Samoset in Rockland is a good place to stay." I thought it was some joke Ernie and Neil had between them but I got no reaction out of Neil. All the way to Rockland, we kept seeing big signs advertising the Samoset, its many attractions and reasonable rates. So we decided we'd stay there and we drove up to the place, a big rambling frame hotel on a bluff over the ocean, in our shirt sleeves as it was hot. About 5 bell boys flocked out and took our luggage, we put on our coats and confidently strode into the Samoset and registered. We asked for two singles with connecting bath. The slick haired clerk pulled out a map of the hotel and showed us the accomodations - on the oceanside. "The rate," he said, "will be $14 per day for each room." We were, to say the least, dazed and dismayed and suddenly the significance of Ernie's remark dawned on me. It was American Plan, of course, and that was our "out." We said that American Plan simply was no good for us and after the clerk had offered back side rooms at $11 per day, or room and breakfast at $7, all of which were somewhat beyond the elasticity of our expense accounts we declined and with as much good grace as we could summon, we walked out. The bellboy seemed surprised when I tipped him a quarter. He said, "The rates are a little high here," and Neil replied, "Oh, that part was all right but we can't take our meals here -" a gallant statement. But did we get a laugh! We laughed for an hour afterward about it, and registered