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He hinted at the "too intimate" relations he had had with his girl and felt he owed it to her to marry her. He was in a tough spot apparently and simply didn't know his own mind. I couldn't help him much, it was too complex and partially obscure for me to see a clear answer. It was another case of a perplexed kid who might well make a decision that would utterly spoil his whole future.

The hostess is a Miss Foster from Hamilton, Ont. I guess she is close onto 40 but acts young, dresses sportily and tries hard to be pleasant to all the guests. She's not too pretty but not bad - blond, very burned, narrow face, medium size. In the evening she organized a cruise in the Tallwood launch to Winthrop at the head of the lake and we all went, to see the street dance.

Clifford took me to his room and gave me a couple of shots of Calvert's after dinner in preparation and then we had a few beers at "The Cabin," another Tallwood institution, a beer and refreshment spot. So we were all pretty hilarious on the boat, singing and carrying on. Miss Foster stayed around me considerably. The street dance was a riotous affair. We didn't dance but frequented the "pubs" for more beer and hilarity. I walked back to the boat with Mrs. Bergman, one of the ladies who runs the Cabin, and she guessed me as being 27 (she is about 50), would scarcely believe I'm 37. On the return trip, Miss Foster sat beside me in the gunwale and since her new sandals were tight, she simply removed them and went barefoot - very small foot but not too pretty. The trip was marred by Clifford turning his ankle badly as he jumped onto the dock.