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Oil down in the West Indies and gets a three months vacation every three years, is a great fisherman and today the boys lost a 30", 10 lb. bass! I didn't know they came that big.

After Bingo, some of us organized to go over to Island Park, a dance hall near Augusta. Miss Foster and I went in the Mannings car, and young Bob Imler and Beck took Ruth and Genevieve Hawkins in Imler's car. Manning is a pink faced, long nosed, slightly pugnacious looking New Yorker about 32, and his wife small, dark, quite pretty and rather Italian or Spanish looking. Manning has an old Chevy, about 1934 I'd say, and going over he drove very sanely. Miss Foster and I paired off and danced when we got there. Genevieve and Beck danced, and the Mannings and Ruth and Imler sat in a booth and began to drink beer. When the dance was over, Miss Foster and I returned to the booth and found Manning, Ruth and Imler and Genevieve but no Beck. Poor Genevieve was in a terrible state of mind. She had fled from Beck; she simply couldn't stand him any longer. He wasn't fresh or anything like that. She simply couldn't stand to be with him a minute longer! He seemed to be absolutely repulsive to her for some reason. So when the next dance started, I danced with the poor kid and when the dance was over and we saw Beck in the booth with the gang, I took her out and we walked round and round the building until Manning gave us the high sign that Beck was dancing with Miss Foster. Then we returned.

The next incident occurred when the bartender came to our booth about midnight and demanded that Manning finish the beer he was holding for Imler's return. Manning is a rather pugnacious individual and he told the bartender he had paid for the beer, it was his, and he'd drink it when he god-damned pleased. So the bartender