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highballs before supper and as the Bowers were being driven to Plymouth, Vt. in the afternoon to see the Coolidge birthplace by the Winstons, I asked Collis to bring the Winstons also.

The Tafts arrived first for the party, the others being late, so when everyone had had a drink (except Winston who said his wife had told him not to) Taft gave me an opening and I said, "Oh, yes! We got your coat this morning," and I rushed into the bedroom and brought out the box. Collis beamed all over, seized the box and fairly tore it apart to get at his prize! And then he pulled out this monstrous, dirty black and gray garment! His face was a picture. "Why, this isn't my coat!" he said in a puzzled, broken tone. Taft and I appeared amazed and opined the clerk had made some mistake. I think everyone saw the joke but Collis. I thought Mrs. Bowers would burst laughing.

In the midst of the riot over the coat, Mrs. Winston, who is somewhat high hattish, arose and left the room to go to the bathroom. The moment she had disappeared Mr. Winston looked rather odd, then stepped up to the table holding the liquor, etc., grabbed the bottle of scotch, looked at me, said hastily, "Er - do you mind if I - er. You people must think I'm a terrible hypocrite -" At the word from me, he poured himself nearly half a water glass of straight liquor and before I could hardly offer some soda, it was gone - straight! There was a slight lull, Mrs. W. not returning yet - and in a jiffy, Mr. Winston had done away with another terrific jolt straight before Collis Bowers could raise his glass for a toast! I haven't seen anything so funny in ages! The story is that he swore off drinking and she swore off smoking when they were married some 13 or 16 years ago!

Transcription Notes:
There is something out of order here; this page 210 has no relation to the previous one 209, dated July 12, 1939. In fact it appears to lead into the entry for August 2, 1939 (see p 212)