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Shanty Shane
Tuesday, Aug.8,1939.
The mystery of the coat was dispelled today when we went to Bradford and Collis at last got his jacket. The sleeves were too long and were altered while we golfed so it was just as well we didn't pick it up yesterday. We even tried to carry the joke a little farther this morning with the storekeeper but it was a bit half hearted and he simply acted embarrassed, so we cut it off rather short and called the joke quits.

We had a nice little 12 hole golf session at Bradford. For the first 9, I got a 50, Collis a 45 and Taft a 55, so I felt rather well about it and decided maybe I had possibilities after all. We had a nice cold ale in the hotel afterward and felt tired and contented - a very nice feeling indeed.

This afternoon we went to Hanover with the Tafts to see Jean in the hospital there. She looked fine and seemed to appreciate our visit. Her sister landed in San Francisco from India on the 3rd and is en route cross continent to see her but knows nothing of the operation. Jean is philosophical; says she hasn't even thought yet about what she'll do when she gets out. Of course, her summer earnings are shot, but she isn't worrying about it.

We went over to White River Jct. to pick up some liquor and supplies for the real christening of the coat at the Tafts before dinner tonight. The party was a big success and we laughed about as much as last night just talking about it. Mrs. Bowers still had the giggles, and the Atwells got a great kick out of the telling of the story, especially Winstons quick act.

The Winstons were not present as Taft thought he might be leading the old boy astray to invite him but this evening Taft got a jolt when Winston came around