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and informed him he had been caught by his wife buying [[underlined]] 18 [/underlined]] cans of ale at Fairlee so he had informed her they were for Taft and he had just put them in [[underlined]] Tafts' [/underlined]] name in the office refrigerator. "I wonder what kind of a toper Mrs. Clendenning will think I am anyway?" said Taft afterward. Winston invited us all to help ourselves to it any time and this evening during another Bowers Atwell-Taft Craton bridge session, he served the ale to us right at the bridge table in the lodge. Winston is head of F.A.Winston Co. in Chicago, a firm that manages a chain of huge apartment hotels and he is President also of some big Chicago Hotel Assn., dresses impeccably, drives a Packard and has a daughter in Quinabeck. He seems to be an A-1 gentleman in every way but his liquor activities have certainly excited much comment.

The daughter is 11 1/2 but old for her age according to the mother, who seems to be actually jealous of the daughter who is the apple of the old man's eye. Up to last year, she had a governess and she apparently gets anything she wants from her father. The mother apparently isn't too fond of her and has made some almost amazing remarks about her. For example, she told Willie and Mrs. Taft she had once informed her husband he could have a lot of the things he wanted if he'd just take that daughter out and throw her in the lake sometime!

Winston (Fred) is a handsome, medium build man, nose glasses, rather prominent nose, English features, smooth face, 50ish, dresses perfectly and has more clothes than any man I ever saw, carries a swagger stick (in Shanty Shane any old stick he can pick up), speaks with much culture and refinement. He's a funny combination.