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hard to believe she can be so young. She looked like a child 14 and talked like one 18 - Phillis.

There was one little Camp girl there - maybe 10 or 11, plump with an adorable round face and beautiful red hair - the cutest thing I've seen in a long time. The old tin-type photographer spotted her and took some shots that must have been wows, I cursed I had left my movie camera at the Shanty - a shot of her in color would have brought down the house.

Bab drew a feathery monkey out of the fish pond and Rog was nearly broken hearted he couldn't get one too. Mr. Taft had a conference with the fish pond people about it but all the monkeys were gone. It nearly spoiled the afternoon for him, but Sis gallantly offered to share hers which took away a little of the sting, but there were tears in his eyes several times about it.

This evening Taft, Bowers, Atwell and I organized a beer and ale bar for the dance with the result we duplicated or perhaps bettered the hilarity of last years affair. Walter's orchestra provided music and a very very fine time was had by all. There were many "dividends" and "shallow ones" as Taft calls them, which put a great punch into things. A Virginia Reel went across big but the Lady of the Lake was too complicated and flopped. My big event of the evening was dancing for the first time with my daughter and we did splendidly together, Babbie is developing beautifully and is about as pretty as they come and I was extremely proud of her. The evening ended in a heavy barrage of dividends that almost put some of the boys under but it was a grand party. Even Collis discovered he could get drunk on Ballantine's ale.