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Erie, Pa.
Saturday, Aug.19,'39
Willie went to the hairdresser's and Bab to Dorothy Jean's this afternoon, so Rog and I repaired to the Peninsula down past the lighthouse and had a short frolic in the lake before it began to rain and finally drove home, clothes, towels, magazines, shoes soaked. He is a regular little "water rat" like Bab, his specialty being to swim head under water, kicking and stroking and making very excellent progress. I think he's going to make a swimmer. When we got home, soaked and covered with sand, he took the upper bathroom and I the lower and we both took baths to get cleaned up. I had looked forward to getting a good burn today to renew my fast fading Shanty Shane tan but the weather was unkind.

This evening we went to the Kallewa Club to a "Comeasyouwerewhenyouwereinvited" buffet supper dance as the guests of Walt and Ros Harris. The Collins and Tarnos were in the party too. Everyone was interested in our experiences at the Shane again this year and I am hopeful we can make a few converts next summer if we go back and I think we shall unless as Taft remarked, we are all in the army. The crowd was about half youngsters and half oldsters, we falling into the latter class now, although I really feel about as young as ever I did, and can pass myself off as in the latter twenties most anywhere without a great deal of trouble.

However, when I realize that Bab is only about 5 or 6 years away from being one of that crowd of well bred youngsters there tonight, I realize I'm no kid any more even though I feel like one. It makes me realize also that the time has come to approach my life from here on as a man, mature and with a man's point of view, devoting more thought to living as a man