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                                  Erie, PA.
                          Wednesday, Aug. 23,'39.
   The big news of today is that Britain has informed Hitler personally that she will fight if he tries to dismember or appropriate any part of Poland by force and I believe that goes for France too. Hitler seems equally determined to have Danzig and the Corridor, and Poland to fight if he makes a pass at any of her territory, so by weekend it looks like a very critical situation will exist in Europe - even war itself - or a tremendous "loss of face" by someone.
   Spent whole day at the office on the AIEE paper, getting a couple of excellent papers by Sillcox, V.P. of N.Y. Air Brake, from A.J. Woodward. They are really excellent treatises on braking and exactly what I need. So things are picking up a bit on the "paper front" and I feel more enthusiasm. At least, I'm learning a whole lot about braking I never knew before. Am getting more and more good material for study from one source or another and feel much better about the whole thing. Yesterday, I felt like walking out on it.
   Felix was in a dither today because he had written DuPont for an "outstanding man in the chemical industry" to address the Erie AIEE Section in November and they offered a man named Hunt, Technical Advisor of their Public Relations Dept. We couldn't find him in "Who's Who in Engineering" and no one seemed to know about him. Felix was inclined to ditch DuPont and try Monsanto or some other outfit but we finally decided a nominal man from DuPont would be a bigger attraction than the Chief Chemist of some small concern and decided to chance it on Mr. Hunt - Dr. Hunt, I should say. It will be interesting to see how it works out. Felix is getting some good programs lined up - Stout of Detroit, Al Williams, etc.
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