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their "deserving one whole piece for themselves." Usually, I don't care for "Mandalay" probably because most baritones bellow it from start to finish. Tibbett sang it, all three verses, and it was a gem - his interpretation was so perfect, sometimes singing with his full power, sometimes very softly; I have never heard it sung like that before. In two pieces he whistled parts of them, and beautifully. I know now why he is considered our greatest baritone - he makes men like Nelson Eddy look sick and Nelson is no slouch either. My estimate of Lawrence changes from a great singer to a great and gracious singer. It was a peculiar pleasure to see him wade through a crowd of youngsters in the entrance near the end of the program, and gently pat them aside as he went through.

Directly in front of us sat an old lady who looked quite German and sure enough she hauled out a German newspaper to read. She followed all his German numbers very intently and when he sang "Hymn to the Evening Star," she wiped her eyes frequently with her handkerchief. I had to think that no such music as that emanates from Germany any more. Hitler has seen to it that all the great artists, composers, writers, thinkers and idealists have been stifled, exiled. What will Germany come to as a result of all this? Things are just marking time today. Apparently a second Munich is feared, but personally I doubt it. I think Herr Hitler is now beginning to wince a bit. I begin to doubt if there will be a war and I think it will be Hitler this time and not the Democracies who does the backing down, though it be ever so gracefully. His trumps have been played and now he fights or backs off. I think he will back off.