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[[image - four, hand drawn, five-pointed inked stars; might be stamped]]

Erie, Pa.,
Sunday, Aug. 27, '39

Hitlers "terms" to England and France are that he must be given Danzig and a "corridor across the corridor," and they must renounce their mutual assistance pacts with Poland. After these have been done, he will negotiate with Poland "other matters."  France already has stiffly refused to change her attitude and apparently England will do likewise.  In the meantime, from Rome comes rumors of a 5 power conference to discuss the whole European situation, all of which means that Italy doesn't want to fight and is trying to get Hitler to mediate before he blows the lid off by a thrust at Poland.  I feel more strongly than ever Hitler is bluffing purely and simply, has no intention of fighting never has.  A war would be the end of him and of all he has done for Germany until now.  He'd be crazy to fight!  The next few days will tell the story and I think will spell PEACE and not via any second Munich either.

Devoted today to taking my "Peninsula Summer Movie" which I shall combine with the Fall and Winter sections to make the Penninsula Picture I have been planning.  Took the children swimming this morning, collecting some good "action shots" of them romping in the surf.  It was a perfect day, clear, 70ish, long gentle white breakers rolling in all along the far beaches.  This afternoon I went out again but alone and roamed about shooting scenes here and there.  Finally parked the car near the fog horn, left my shoes in a bush and waded across the inlets, over the mud flats at last coming out at the Sea Gull Sanctuary, where I got a shot and some wonderful sailboat pictures along the tip end of the Peninsula.  It was exhilirating