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this time by Hitler and no war. He has found his pact with Russia, far from being his greatest coup, to be perhaps his greatest boner. It has turned Spain, Japan, even Italy against him. And he has been amazed to find that Britain and France not only are firm but their people are 100% in favor of their smashing him this time; they would rather fight than go on living in a Europe like that he has made it in the last couple of years.

Erie, Pa.
Tuesday, Aug.29,'39
They are marking time in Europe and even the radio has eased off on the barrage of comments, news flashes, etc. The situation is very grave yet, but nobody can stay keyed up to the pitch everyone has been at for more than a week or so. Tense though it is, there is a let down. Apparently Hitler still expresses willingness to negociate after Poland turns over Danzig and the corridor and England and France are firm but doing everything possible to keep the door open for further dickering.

A. J. Woodward tells me Bob Walsh is not doing very well and he doubts if he can be back at work for a long time yet. Apparently he has some other rather serious trouble besides the tuberculosis but just what I don't know - would guess stomach ulcers. What a time Bob has had! How can any of us feel downhearted about anything when we realize how well off we really are!

Rumor has it that Kay Williams and Parker Capps are to be divorced and also he may not return to the Company from his present leave of absence of several months. I suspect Kay aspires to some millionaire and a whopping career in the