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by hearsay that our office was to handle diesel-electric for steam roads. "Hasn't Rudy taken you under his wing yet?" inquired "Whitey." I thought then "So, there are to be Section Heads again, and Rudy is to be one." Later in the day, I told Rudy of the conversation and he told me he had had a long session with Whitey after I talked to him. There are to be sections again. Rudy has ours, Shapter the Industrial Locomotives of all kinds, Brandenstein electric locomotives and railroad electrification, Burleson (I think) urban transit, and Maurice a sort of "experimental section" and Earl Bill substations, air conditioning, etc. It is not to be officially set up for several months but it is to start functioning at once.

So my guess is I was lined up for one of these jobs and someone, presumably Andrews, spiked it for some reason. Of course, there is the very remote chance there is something else in the wind but I think it about 1 in 100. The damned thing rather got me down as I thought it over. I had failed again. It takes a lot of philosophizing to get straightened out after having had my hopes so raised by Eddie Gunn's remarks at Schenectady in June. But I guess I can take it. You have to learn to take a lot of socks in life and the way you take them tests how good a man you are. After all, there is a long future ahead in all probability. Somehow, I felt I never did rate much with Andrews and mostly I think because I never had much to do with him. I have always impressed well the men I have had close contact with. The job now is to dig in, do my work better than ever and show "Whitey" for himself