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Offensives have started all along the German-Polish frontier. Poland has invoked British-French aid. Britain and France have sent an ultimatum to Hitler to cease and withdraw his troops from Poland or they will fulfill their pledges to aid Poland. It seems a great European was has at last started.

It was difficult to work today with all this rushing about madly in one's mind. I continued with my paper but it was tough going.

Tonight we went to the Scarboroughs for a "murder party." Perhaps it was a good thing for it certainly distracted one's mind from affairs in Europe. The bride and groom Scarborough were there. She is a delicate, rather pretty little Germanic looking girl. Her accent is a cross between German and Texan - very peculiar. Her ^[[close]] relatives, it seems, still live in Germany. I felt rather sorry for her. Maybelle makes no particular secret of the fact John married her only for her money and already is regularly unfaithful to her, having several bimbos in Erie he consorts with. It makes me think of another fellow I know. The only difference is that this John S. is almost repulsive looking. Why in heaven's name the girl married him, no one can figure unless she is a Nazi and wants the protection of American citizenship. We all think she is the one whom John described to me last winter as a "Hitler agent." Probably nothing to it but it all is damned peculiar. Tonight I had very little sympathy for the kid. This bird John appeals to me to be about as low a type as I have ever run across.