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Erie, Pa.
Saturday, Sept.2,'39.
England and France today gave Hitler until noon tomorrow to get out of Poland or else. So tomorrow morning (noon there is 7 AM here) we should know what the future of Europe is to be - a great war or a colossal backdown. It appears the war is inevitable. Germany, according to all reports is flailing at the Poles with all they've got and encountering terrific resistance. The bombing of Polish cities and towns continues and atrocity stories already are coming from Poland - women and children killed, poison gas, etc. Hitler has got himself to a point where it is do or die, and I think in the end he will be dragged down from his perch - but at enormous cost. Nevertheless, judging from all we hear, it is a necessity if freedom is not to perish eventually from the European scene if not a large part of the world.

We did our level best to fix up Mother's room attractively today and went up to get her this evening. To my surprise, although upset by events abroad, she seemed to be taking it much better all in all than I expected. And she seemed very pleased with her room, where we have substituted the upper half of Roger's double deck bed for the double bed, thus making more room. I trust she will be happier this time than before. She was worried for a while about some unfamiliar rugs but that seemed to pass off comparatively quickly. So I have high hopes that things will be better this time.

Late radio reports indicate this is the eve of a gigantic conflict across the water - the last of peace and comparative calm.