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for staying in the Wolfe Tavern tonight but dinner sobered him up and to my relief, we headed for Boston where I settled into the Parker House finally for a good night's rest and a good shower in a really comfortable room after a week of rather rural quarters. Nevertheless, it was a memorable week.

Neil and I have nicknamed the French in northern New England by the general title of Joe La Touche. And tonight at the Wolfe Tavern we discovered a mural, "The Wedding Party" by J. La Touche. So at last we found him, and there was quite some hilarity when we did.

En route to Erie
Thursday, July 13,'39
I got to the office at 9:30 AM. Neil arrived about 12:30 PM and Roy about 2 PM! I sat around and sat, talking with Mrs. Knowles and Doc Millan, reading current magazines and a wonderful article in National Geographic on modern astronomy. It was really a wasted day for we never did get down to the B&M to get costs. I could have gone alone as well as not but I kept waiting expecting them every minute. Roy was at the hospital being examined now for some stomach trouble fearing he had ulcers. He was in high spirits when he came in because they found no ulcers but merely a nervous condition of the big outlet valve caused by worry and overwork. He can drink beer again (but no liquor) and if he takes care of himself, he will be okay in a month or so. We reviewed the situation around New England and Roy and I left at 5 PM for a couple of beers and dinner