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Erie, Pa.
Sunday, July 16,'39
A typical lazy Sunday. Did a few odd jobs, watered lawn, etc. and this afternoon we took a drive in our car, top down. It was so chilly that Willie nearly froze in the back seat with the Colonel, although she had a spring coat on! Bab and Rog sat up front with me and did some mild battling but not too bad. We were glad to sit around the house this evening. It is seldom I have so little to say about a day as this one.

Erie, Pa.
Monday, July 17,1939
Had my first session with "Whitey" today regarding a new publicity book for the small diesels which went quite smoothly. Also discussed the B&M demonstrator and he felt we shouldn't put one up there without some sort of commitment from them. I agreed we should get one if we possibly could but felt lack of it should not stop us putting one up there. "Whitey" said we locomotive fellows were used to doing more gambling than he was - we "throw blue chips around like nobody's business." Well, Roy is after Munster's commitment but I'm not to optimistic on whether or not he'll get it. It was funny how jittery I was after the session wondering what Whitey had thought of me, etc. etc. I asked him if he cared to go to the Hofbrau tomorrow night with Ken and me but as he has a date here tomorrow with Muir, he couldn't promise. So far there hasn't been the slightest intimation of anything along the lines of what Eddie Gunn hinted at and I begin to appreciate that what I took for something imminent may be a matter of a year or so for all I knew. As I recall the conversation, there was nothing really to indicate when it might happen.