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the thing that got me down was the complete lack of harmony between this story and Eddie Gunn's! I wasn't worth a damn all the rest of the afternoon. But thinking the thing over, I see many rays of light:

 1.) The letter may well have been written before the plan was hatched that Eddie Gunn referred to. I suspect the "plan" was the result of conversations between Whitey  and H.L. on June 20 and 21st, the former date in New York, the latter in Sch'dy, Eddie, I think, got it from Whitey in Sch'dy, and told me June 23rd. This may be all wrong but it would hold water.

 2.) H.L. is now out of our Dept. and I suspect my destinies are controlled more now by Whitey, Henry Waller, Shreve and Cash than by H.L. who probably knows less about me than the others except Shreve.

 3.) No job has been offered and if it should be, I could refuse and stay on in the Trans'. Dept. and continue to battle for a place in the sun.

 4.) Walter Hedley may have influenced H.L. to put me on the list - otherwise I might not have been on it.

 5.) The story may be cockeyed or incomplete, and when known in its true perspective, might have an entirely different complexion.

 6.) The move, if made, might be the best thing that ever happened to the man who made it.

Naturally I like to feel that #1 above is the answer, and that things are as I think they are. I want to stay with the G.E. and have a part in building up the Transportation Dept. again to the place it deserves. So I have calmed down now and shall go ahead, doing