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my utmost best and trusting that the future will be good. This is a spot where Faith can do wonders and I want to have it. I feel I have what it takes to make good with the G.E. I've never really muffed a job yet and I have always done fine work when I have put myself to it. I feel I can handle large responsibilities and successfully and I want to handle them with G.E. and not some other outfit. I am writing all this quite fully because it had quite an effect on me and in the light of future developments it will be interesting to look back upon. Perhaps it is only the kick in the pants one frequently gets as a test just before the big break. Let us hope so and let us carry on!

Erie, Pa.
Thursday, July 20,'39.
Finally sent out the 6000 volt DC report for [[Armstrong?]] today - a relief; I wonder if it ever will lead to anything. Made some preliminary checks on freight loco. requirements for the New Haven for Maurice - they want to haul 5000 tons on level track at 45 MPH and it looks like a 5000 HP, 225 ton 16 armature locomotive to me. Supposedly they will be in the market for freight engines this fall. Then I began my Maine Central report and was rather surprised to find that a 43 ton 300 HP unit may do the "Mountain" job at Gardiner.

In the midst of that, Whitey called me in to hand me a wire from Dougall on a proposition Doc had started but Doc left this noon. It was for a control equipment for a 600 volt 60 ton locomotive the Waterloo, Cedar Falls and Northern had bought second hand from Bush Terminal and want to correct to 1300 volts. Doc got the request yesterday and Louis Webb got Doc's letter this morning.