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seems to be coming around fine after his terrible illness 18 months ago when it was a miracle he pulled through. We stayed until the sun dropped into the lake, a big glowing flattened ball - a lovely sight. Even Bab was curious about it.

Erie, Pa.
Friday, July 21,'39
Had a hectic day at the office. Had no chance to do any of my own work, pinch hitting for Doc on the Waterloo job and a rush speedometer proposition for Norfolk & Western. Had a wire from Dougall on the Waterloo saying he had phoned customer and they do not wish to use a dynamotor but want straight 1300 volt control and a 1300/650 volt compressor. Such a control is lousy and we have no double commutator compressor to meet requirements. Louis Webb is up to his neck in work and can't get at the control until next week. So I had to make the best of a bad situation and wrote to Dougall a 3 page epistle telling him we would work up what customer wants but then I plugged hard for the dynamotor scheme. We shall see. And in the midst of that mess, Whitey comes in with a wire on this N.& W. job -"in market for 30 or 40 speedometers prefer [[circled W]] for friction bearing application want arguments to combat what is [[circled W]] advantage etc etc." Only Doc knows this speedometer business, having nursed it all by himself for years now. So that was another struggle and finally got a letter off to Hines at Roanoke intending to enclose a drawing showing the Paulista application but [[Nomine?]] let me down, not greatly to my surprise - he is crustier than ever during this shutdown; it's even hard to talk to him. What a day! It had me jittery for a while.