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and isn't afraid of the water a bit. I think he's going to be a natural swimmer. We were simply flabbergasted!

Before we left this afternoon, I went off alone and sat on the iron piling where the waves were sloshing in below my feet, sometimes tossing spray up on me. And looking out across that great expanse of blue sea stretching away to the paler blue of the sky, seeing an immaculately white sailboat off there against the horizon, feeling the hot summer sun beating down on my bare skin, seeing the long white beaches skirting away between water and clean dunes, I knew life was very good. And I knew too that the ultimate of its goodness would come to me when I have learned to live my life - every phase of it - to the best of my capabilities.

A week from now, we shall be getting established at Shanty Shane again, God willing, and I think it will do us all a world of good. I am looking forward to even a better time than last year, and I think I shall come back to work refreshed in body and mind and ready to dig in at the office and otherwise for a campaign of living that will be better than anything I have ever done before. I want to [[underlined]] make [/underlined]] it so.

Erie, Pa.
Monday, July 24,1939.
Got a good swing on my Maine Central report today although pinch hitting for Rudy and Doc occupied considerable time. "Sandy" Davidson called up on some Alco Portland Terminal stuff and between his Scotch brogue, a bum connection and a rock drill outside, I couldn't get much out of what he said except that Branche would know all about it. But when I got down stairs, Carl was on his vacation!