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43 ton demonstrator to the B&M even though Roy can't get a commitment out of them so my New England job is beginning to bear fruit after a fashion at least and I think it will lead to some business in time if we are patient.

Had a picnic tonight on the beach with the Reeds. It is the Colonel's 65th birthday and he seems hale and hearty and able to mix with us young fellows as well as if he were our own age. He is quite a guy. He hops off tomorrow for Louisville and we all agree July has gone by like the wind. Saturday we hop off for Shanty Shane and of course the children are beginning to get all excited about that.

Tonight the planet Mars is closest to the Earth in 17 years - 36,030,000 miles and it hangs like a small bright pink lantern in the southern sky, perhaps the only place else in the universe where life approximately like ours can exist. Thoughts of the stars and the sky are staggering! How insignificant we are! But to me, it seems in all the vastness of the universe there must be life other than here.
Erie, Pa.
Friday, July 28,1939.
The Colonel jumped off for Louisville this morning and Willie started the last big push to get ready for our jumping off for the Shane tomorrow. I got all my work in good shape today so I leave with everything cleaned up except the MEC report and I don't have all costs on that yet. Shot a quotation to Dougall on Waterloo and wonder if he can possibly get the business against the tough odds he has against him. Jack Thirlwell told me today that Roy