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great time. George Brown was on deck again but Jerry isn't here. Neither are Rose Oliver and Dot Young, the latter particularly being a loss, as she was a lot of fun. They have a Mr. and Mrs. Cahill young people - he is the dietician and she the kindergarten teacher, and a young Miss Towne, friend of the Cahills, plays at dinner. One thing however is good - the food - I think it is better than last year. So Cahill may have something on the ball. The hurricane damage is pretty well removed or covered up so the place looks about the same as ever. We went to bed quite satisfied we had made no mistake in returning.

Shanty Shane,
Monday, July 31, 1939.
Drove to Bradford this morning to do some shopping taking the Bowers with us, and a terrific storm came up on the way home. It rained so hard I didn't think I could keep going but we made it finally. Of course, that rain spoiled all chance of tennis or horseshoes, so this afternoon we drove to Hanover to get a new string in my tennis raquet and some more film. It cleared in time for a good swim but rained in the evening again. Bridge and to bed. All okay.

Shanty Shane,
Tuesday, August 1, 1939.
The tennis courts were soaked this morning so Bowers and I had to postpone our tennis workout. But we did get in a couple of good swimming sessions today and led the comfortable, lazy life. I'm not even trying to write a lot in the journal, spending all my time outdoors and getting a lot of good out of it. The children are having a marvellous time and so is Willie, just