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for the square dance by a short country boy, but she turned him down.

I am purposely making this journal rather short and banal up here because I don't want to take the time away from being outdoors about 100% of the time when I can.

Jean, the waitress, was rushed to the hospital this morning and had her appendix carved out - all okay. Mary stayed with the children tonight and Mr. Taft took her home - alas! I have never mentioned the East Montpelier barn dance to her thinking it best not to embarrass her as the girl is terribly shy. But she is a real hill beauty - Mary La Page - name pretty as she is.

Shanty Shane
Friday, Aug.4,'39.
This was one of those days that one feels simply shouldn't be allowed during a vacation. It rained nearly all day and we sat around and talked and read and wrote postals and played bridge and itched for action. It cleared just long enough for a swim and that was all.

Shanty Shane
Saturday, Aug.5,1939.
Today was clear and beautiful again and I resumed the heavy sport routine that I am enjoying so much - horseshoes, tennis, swimming, golf, ping pong, rowing - just about continuous. Nothing unusual to report except a rapidly increasing coat of tan that is very satisfactory. I am purposely neglecting the journal for all the sport I can work in because the lord knows this is probably about the only chance I'll have to get any of it this summer if the weeks prior to vacation are any indication.