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Shanty Shane
Sunday, August 6,1939.
The fact it is Sunday failed to stop another heavy day of sport routine much like yesterday. When the days are over, I'm tired and well contented and wish I could spend a solid month of this sort of thing up here. But the chance of ever being able to do that seems very remote indeed. How I'd like to have enough money to send Bab to Quinibeck and Rog to Passuminck or Pemigewasset, and belong to the Kahlewa Club and own our own home and not have to figure the bank balance so closely! Will the time ever come I wonder?

This evening Taft and I "took on" Bowers and Dr. Atwell at bridge and took a sweet shellacing! They had the cards and knew how to bid and play them and they sure took us for a ride! But we kidded and had a good time anyhow and it didn't keep me awake the way the tournament did with Mrs. Gack, thank heaven.

Shanty Shane
Monday, Aug.7,1939.
Taft and I drove to Bradford this morning to shop and we decided to inquire if Bowers "beer jacket" - a white gabardine with brass zippers - had arrived yet. He ordered it last Monday and can't wait to get it. It was there all right but we didn't dare buy it in case it didn't fit properly. So we bought a black overall jumper - size 50 - cost $1.00 and had it wrapped up carefully in a suit box and planned to present it to him as his coat at a "cocktail party" at our cabin before dinner. We kept the whole thing a close secret even from our wives.

So I invited the Bowers and Tafts in for some

Transcription Notes:
mandc: Note that there is no continuity between p. 277 (Aug. 7) and p/278 (Sept 3). Ended mid-sentence. Something out of order as I remember reviewing the scene unwrapping the joke coat.