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En route, Erie, Pa to Boston
Thursday, Sept. 7, 1939.
Finished my AIEE first draft today and caught the 2:35 PM for Boston so as to be there early enough tomorrow to go to Portland with Neal. Tomorrow there will be no one in our office – Rudy in New York, Doc on vacation – and Henry Guy will be away too. There was some question if I'd be able to get ^[[away]] until Sunday but Henry finally decided I could go as long as it was all lined up. So here I am lying in my berth up around Canastota somewhere, writing this before going to sleep. I want to accomplish something this trip and get things moving toward some sales in New England. We have good prospects but as yet no sales which I am not at all satisfied with. Monday we have a date with Putnam in Boston to discuss the report I made for him – am curious to get his comments.

The children are well, returning to school Tuesday. Rog is having "gang trouble" with Boyd Bert, up to a few days ago his boon pal for some time again. I hate to see him upset but I guess it's all in the game.

Boston, Mass.
Friday, September 8, 1939.
Here I am at the Parker House tonight and I might just as well be home for any good I did here today. Besides I'm homesick, dreading a weekend here alone. Nothing would please me anymore right now than to be home with Willie, Mother and the children. But I'm not and can't be so shall have to make the best of it.

As so often seems to happen here, this affair at