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mountains, a delightful spot.

Readsboro is up in the "wildwood" and is the headquarters of the "Hoot, Toot & Whistle" or Hoosac Tunnel & Wilmington Railroad.  There we discussed diesels with Mr. Long, the Supt. who was dressed more like a baggage-smasher.  But he was cordial although unencouraging since they bought a nearly new steam engine only two years ago - a miniature Consolidation for their 11 mile line with 6% grades, where the engineer is also the master mechanic.  It's that kind of a road.

Then it was a long run all the way to Gorham, N.H. up near Berlin, where we holed up for the night at the Mt. Madison House.  It was chill and autumnlike although only here and there was a patch of scarlet in the vast vistas of foliage we saw most of the day in all directions up in this country.

St. Albans, Vt.,
Thursday, Sept. 14, 1939.
George Abbott at Berlin told us this morning that the Brown Co. now is on full time operation and have assigned a man to studying their railroad operation with a view to getting the whole story so we can recommend suitable locomotives.  Until next month, when the study will be complete we must mark time.  However, we felt we are making some progress here, and although the interview was brief, the contact may have been worthwhile.

About 10:30 AM we were en route to St. Albans over a wild section of north U.S.A., stopping at Newport for lunch.  To get from there to St. Albans, we had to duck into Canada at North Troy and back